Thursday 25 January 2018

RE- Jesus as a Friend

In RE we are thinking about how the Bible tells Christians that Jesus was a good friend and role model. To start the topic we have been thinking about friendship and what makes a good friend. We have been thinking of the qualities our friends have and we each made our special friend a cloud displaying these. The children were so kind and caring to one another.


This term we are learning all about the Great Fire of London. The children are really enjoying this unit and are very keen to find out lots of interesting facts.
We have been sorting items into past and present and are recognising different ways in which we can found out about the past. Samuel Pepys buried diary told us lots of information about the fire.
Here is a link if you and the children want to find out more.

We had a fabulous afternoon investigating objects which were buried in London and linked to the time of the Great Fire. The children pretended to be historians asking relevant questions and using the clues to try and answer them. They did a wonderful job.

Ask your child what they found out!

We also ordered the events of The Great Fire in chronological order.

Art in 1KG

This week in class we have been making land art based on Andy Goldsworthy.
The children worked in groups and produced some excellent work.

Songs and Videos to help us learn....

Class 1KG children love to sing and we remember lots of important facts through music, actions and jingles.

This blog page will be updated regularly with new songs to support our topics in class. Enjoy!

Phonics Songs

Tricky Words Song Phase 3

Geography Songs

Maths Songs

Maths Games

Alien Addition

100 Square Splat

Superstar 25.01.18

 Our superstar this week has been trying so hard in all she does. She has done some fantastic drama work when we were freeze framing parts from Goldilocks and showed excellent emotion. Her writing has been wonderful this week and she has used lots of super adjectives. She is always smiling and is an absolute pleasure to teach   

Friday 19 January 2018

Homework Example 19.01.18

We have been learning all about ten frames in Maths. This is an example to show you incase you become stuck. Hope this helps.

Thursday 18 January 2018

18.1.18 superstar

Our superstar this week has been trying so hard in all he does. He has shown a lot of perseverance this week in Maths even when he has found it hard. He did a fantastic job acting out the story of the gingerbread man and loved showing the rest of the class.   

Thursday 11 January 2018

superstar 11.01.18

 Our superstar this week has been trying so hard in all she does. Even if she struggles she always attempts to give it a go and perseveres. We have seen a big difference in her confidence recently and we were so proud to see her singing in the carol concert before Christmas. She is a lovely kind friend and always brings a smile to the classroom.   

We love teaching you.

Well done and keep it up!